ASTM B117 Salt Spray Test

ASTM B117 Salt Spray Test

ASTM B117 Salt fog and Salt Spray Test

What is the purpose of ASTM B117 Salt Spray test?

The purpose of the ASTM B117 Salt Spray test is to provide a controlled accelerated corrosive environment to evaluate the relative corrosion resistance of the coating, substrate, or part itself. JOEO factory professional produce multiple chambers available to run parts and panels of many sizes for the ASTM B117 Salt Spray Test. The number of test specimens, dimensions, and duration of exposure for the test can be specified by the customer.

JOEO Test chamber is capable of provider Salt spray test chamber per ASTM B117 . The ASTM B117 standard only describes the equipment, the procedure, and the conditions needed to maintain the salt spray fog in the test environment. The ASTM B117 Standard also refers to other salt fog tests which ALI Testing Equipment company's factory have ISO 9001.

ASTM B117 reference documents are listed here:
ASTM B368  Test Method for Copper-Accelerate Acid-Salt" (CASS Test)
ASTM G85  "Practice for Modified Salt (Fog) Testing"

What kind of samples can you test for ASTM B117?

Typically when testing parts for the ASTM B117, samples are submitted in multiples for validation and comparison purposes. While the parts are in the corrosion test chamber, they are usually angled between 15 to 30 degrees from vertical orientation. The duration of the test varies depending on the type of coating on the part. Customers should have the capability to perform complementary evaluations and preconditioning for the samples submitted, both before and after testing, such as the following:
Masking of portions of samples not to be exposed
ASTM D1654 (Scribe and Evaluations)
ASTM D610 (Degree of Rust)
ASTM D714 (Degree of Paint Blistering)

What services do you offer to precondition the samples?
JOEO factory follow customer test samples to design the suitable customize salt spray test chamber. Prior to ASTM B117 Salt Spray we typically scribe the samples IAW ASTM D1654 . We can also expose the samples to gravel bombardment per SAE J400, GMW 14700 and others. These are some of the most common pre-conditions to exposure to ASTM B117.

You can get more about salt fog spray test chamber from our JOEO Sales Team.Get a Quote Today! 

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